May 19, 2017 at 20:00

Struggling To Learn New Vocabulary - These 5 Activities Will Help

by Tushita Shekhar

Vocabulary is the soul of communication. It is the implement (n.) to implement(v.) proper and effective communication. Clarity of ideas and thoughts can’t come across without the correct use of vocabulary. Equally important is to select your words according to the target audience. For instance, simpler words are utilized to communicate with children, while technical jargons are used in the workplace.

Incorrect usage of vocabulary can also make you a recipient of ridicule, and not even American presidents are an exception to this rule. The term Bushism was coined to refer to the frequent verbal gaffes of former American President, George W. Bush. A notable example being Bush clinching the 2000 Republican presidential nomination, and boasting that his rivals "misunderestimated him."

So, if you want to learn some new vocabulary, and make the perfect impression anywhere you go, here are a few activities that will improve vocabulary retention :

1. READ VORACIOUSLY : As George W. Bush rightly asked , "Is our children learning?" and he surely are right. There is no substitute for reading. Not only does it expose us to new words, but supplements easier comprehension and absorption of those words.

2. WRITE WHAT YOU LEARN : Simply learning words doesn't help unless you incorporate them into your everyday usage. Therefore, the practice of noting down new words and writing sentences with them is of utmost importance.

3. WORD GAMES : Instead of rote learning or simply memorizing words, make a game out of it. Shake things up by engaging in word games like crossword, scrabble, bingo, codenames, pictionary , taboo, charades etc. It's a great way to learn and spend time with friends. For example, Hoax becomes more relatable when you are pulling your friend's leg.

4. NETFLIX AND LEARN : Improving vocabulary can even be combined with our favourite activities like watching movies, TV series, cartoons etc. Not only is it more interesting, it gives a connect with words, which you might not encounter in your everyday life.

5. APPRECIATE APPS : It's no longer necessary to take out time specifically for this purpose. Just download vocabulary improving apps and conveniently pass your time while standing in line or travelling or even sitting on your toilet seat.

BuildMyVocab is one such app, which provides edutainment by placing words in the context of popular movies, along with visual pointers to aid memory retention. Preparing for GMAT, GRE and other exams becomes more exciting with your favourite actors providing visual cues to recall those words.

Don't "misunderestimate" yourself and grab this opportunity to excel in exams with the help of (BuildMyVocab)[].

Happy Learning!