How to use "build" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "build" in popular movie and book plots

  • When they arrive on Mars, Santa and the children build a factory to make toys for the children.  - Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
  • She starts to build a group of regular customers, and, to Reynaud's dismay, she doesn't go out of business.  - Chocolat (novel)
  • While walking through his cornfield one evening, he hears a voice whispering, "If you build it, he will come".  - Field of Dreams
  • Greybar and Skunk suggest to Nathaniel that a woman named Calli (Ann Magnuson) can help build his confidence.  - Cabin Boy
  • The children ask their father to help build a better kite, but he dismisses them.  - Mary Poppins (film)
  • Urged by Dathan, they build a golden calf as an idol to take back to Egypt, hoping to win Rameses' forgiveness.  - The Ten Commandments (1956 film)
  • To better protect his workers, Schindler bribes Göth into allowing him to build a sub-camp.  - Schindler's List
  • They are successful and eventually build a thriving community.  - Time Enough for Love
  • When the Lermers are finally reunited on their own homestead, they build their house with a pressurized room for Peggy.  - Farmer in the Sky
  • When the man says the aluminum from the aircraft is being salvaged to build housing, Fred persuades the boss to hire him.  - The Best Years of Our Lives
  • Arriving at the village, they have the villagers build fortifications and begin to train them to defend themselves.  - The Magnificent Seven
  • They realize that Blair is assimilated and has been scavenging equipment to build a small escape craft.  - The Thing (1982 film)
  • Eboshi vows to build a better town, as the forest begins to grow.  - Princess Mononoke
  • The audience sees Nanook, often with his family, hunt a walrus, build an igloo, go about his day, and perform other tasks.  - Nanook of the North
  • The attacks build to a crisis, and the college community of students, dons and servants is almost torn apart by suspicion and fear.  - Gaudy Night
  • Bernstein recalls how Kane hired the best journalists available to build the Inquirers circulation.  - Citizen Kane

Meaning of "build" in English

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Meaning of "build" in Hindi

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