How to use "amount" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "amount" in popular movie and book plots

  • Marvin is left stranded here for this incredibly vast amount of time parking diners' spaceships while waiting for the humans to return.  - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
  • There's also a fair amount of action in the episodes where the crew of the starship fight alien predators.  - Andromeda (novel)
  • Even though he still paid her the right amount for her time, she returns with her pimp Maurice and demands more money.  - The Catcher in the Rye
  • He is unable to help them with their project, but does give them a small amount of money to tide them over.  - Come to the Stable
  • It has no value, but he buys it for a small amount out of pity.  - The Man in the Bottle
  • He removes that amount to split with Gaear, then buries the rest, intending to recover it later and keep it for himself.  - Fargo (film)
  • The school was overcrowded, and he cannot continue on the small amount offered to blacks for education by the state.  - Within Our Gates
  • Joe decides not to write the story, despite the considerable amount of money riding on it.  - Roman Holiday
  • To get arrested again, he eats an enormous amount of food at a cafeteria without paying.  - Modern Times (film)
  • Walter again demands cash from his father (the amount has now risen to $350) without explaining why he needs it, and is again rebuffed.  - Alice Adams (novel)
  • It is revealed that her mother left her a large amount of cash, and Bren and Tony use the money to move to Scotland.  - Dinnerladies (TV series)
  • Roger immediately sneaks off to join Jack, and slowly an increasing amount of older boys abandon Ralph to join Jack's tribe.  - Lord of the Flies
  • In the end, the guerrillas destroy a large amount of Soviet equipment.  - The Cardinal of the Kremlin
  • To help the woman remember her identity, Betty looks in Rita's purse, where she finds a large amount of money and an unusual blue key.  - Mulholland Drive (film)
  • Bill goes to a costume shop and offers the owner, mr Milich, a generous amount of money to rent a costume.  - Eyes Wide Shut
  • The price paid was half the amount of the 6,250 m² Admiralty II plot, for which the MTR Corporation paid HK$182 billion in cash.  - Bank of China Tower (Hong Kong)

Meaning of "amount" in English

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Meaning of "amount" in Hindi

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