How to use "brethren" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "brethren" in popular movie and book plots

  • Billie is a kindly elf who is shunned by many of her elfin brethren because of a genetic defect that gives her round ears.  - Santa's Little Helper (2015 film)
  • However, Predaking refuses, having not forgiven the Autobots for destroying his brethren on Earth.  - Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising
  • He tells you a little about the mythology of the brethren but is knocked unconscious in the middle of it by Bone and his men.  - Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren
  • Castiel decides he wants to help his fallen brethren find "direction" when he encounters an angel named Hale who requests his guidance.  - Castiel (Supernatural)
  • Cass claims to have been in contact with the flames once more, who have re-established contact with their brethren on the sun.  - The Flames: A Fantasy
  • One question Wajda raises is that of Jewish solidarity and the guilt of being saved while one's brethren are suffering.  - Samson (1961 Polish film)
  • The Djinn brethren make their presence known, forcing Lisa to flee.  - Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled
  • After seriously wounding David, he summons up his dark brethren as reinforcements, and revives his dead army.  - Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
  • The episode ends with Mac strangling his creator while all his brethren look on.  - In Our Own Image
  • Nephi's brethren rebel against him again.  - The Book of Mormon Movie
  • Most of Gessai's guards are killed until Azumi arrives, as do Ginkaku and his brethren who had been following her.  - Azumi 2: Death or Love
  • Mitchell decides to proactively join Jack and his ice hockey brethren for a street hockey game against the preps.  - Airborne (1993 film)
  • Aided by his dragonfly companion, Sparx, Spyro vows to rescue his dragon brethren and defeat Gnasty Gnorc once and for all.  - Spyro the Dragon (video game)
  • After a memorial service on Earth for the victims of the Human-Covenant war, the Arbiter and his Elite brethren depart for their home planet.  - Halo (series)

Meaning of "brethren" in English

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Meaning of "brethren" in Hindi

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