How to use "catharsis" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "catharsis" in popular movie and book plots

  • Sam tells him that he found performing Josh's material addictive, offering catharsis to his life and the bond with Josh.  - Rudderless
  • Has catharsis been achieved.  - Recep İvedik
  • This book was a real catharsis for the young woman.  - Insoumise et dévoilée
  • Nikki embraces him; the mutual catharsis has made them both more wholesome beings.  - Everybody Says I'm Fine!
  • Once begun, the catharsis must run its course.  - The Firebrand (Kemp novel)
  • The protagonist struggles to reach some sort of catharsis on his childhood feelings.  - Locksley Hall
  • Frelaine feels cheated because he will not receive the full catharsis if the victim doesn't try to fight back.  - Seventh Victim
  • Ultimately, despite the fact that he has no one to share these memories with, he finds catharsis in imagined conversations.  - The Things They Carried

Meaning of "catharsis" in English

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Meaning of "catharsis" in Hindi

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