How to use "conduit" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "conduit" in popular movie and book plots

  • Ivan's theory turns out to be correct, and his fighter enters one such conduit and rapidly travels to another system far from Ganio.  - The Last of the Immortals
  • A more organised group of revolutionaries moves in next door and start using Alice's house as a conduit for arms, to which Alice objects.  - The Good Terrorist
  • Cadderly uses Catti-brie as a conduit to enter the Shadowfell to finish off the Ghost King.  - The Ghost King
  • Brent Green helps her to learn a lot about the current situation and reveals that Pam Malone might be the conduit of Israel.  - The Alexandria Link
  • The three start resisting Luc's influence and learn that he plans to use them as a conduit to summon a powerful demon.  - The Brotherhood II
  • Using K-9 as a conduit and buffer through the Matrix, Pandora's future echo tells of a coming civil war, Time Lord against Time Lord.  - Gallifrey: Insurgency
  • However, when a power conduit blows in the cargo bay, they must work together to get out before the room fills with noxious gas.  - Learning Curve (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • Haji calls Isaac while he's on an expedition with Pandora asking him if he was in fact designed to be a conduit for James.  - Edenborn
  • With the help of the ondat, Movement operatives on Concord are neutralized and their conduit to Orb is severed.  - Forge of Heaven
  • The field becomes a conduit to the spirits of baseball legends.  - Shoeless Joe (novel)
  • The astronaut who does the fueling looks at the engine control conduit at Cody's request, and she recommends shutting the line down.  - Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land
  • Gunn goes to the White Room where he meets the conduit in the form of himself.  - A Hole in the World
  • O'Brien removes the life form from the station's computer, and upon emerging from a conduit with Bashir, the ambassadors call him a hero.  - The Forsaken (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • On the Excelsior, the attack occurs once more, and Valtane dies when a plasma conduit behind his console explodes.  - Flashback (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • In any case, the TARDIS is trapped as Matty has escaped and severed the energy conduit in the console.  - Spare Parts (Doctor Who)
  • Patience tries to escape using a conduit pipe, but the minions have it sealed and flush her out of it, drowning her.  - Catwoman (film)

Meaning of "conduit" in English

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Meaning of "conduit" in Hindi

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