How to use "crush" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "crush" in popular movie and book plots

  • When Algren refuses Omura's offer to lead the new army to crush the rebels, Omura orders him killed as well.  - The Last Samurai
  • She has a secret crush on a handsome commuter named Peter Callaghan (Peter Gallagher), although they are complete strangers.  - While You Were Sleeping (film)
  • Ever since their university days, he has had a crush on John, but he has never dared to tell him about it.  - My Night with Reg
  • The autopsy reveals that grendels (as the creatures are now known) are crocodilian in appearance and behavior, with jaws that can crush steel.  - The Legacy of Heorot
  • Audrey's supportive best friend, and a frequent visitor, is the well-meaning Marjory Frobisher, who quickly develops a crush on DeVere.  - To the Manor Born
  • Sally develops a crush on Peter.  - White Banners
  • It hangs over the road and threatens to crush any who would pass it; also the mountain flashed with fire.  - The Pilgrim's Progress
  • His long-time friend Vince Tyler (Craig Kelly), who has a crush on Stuart, has less luck regarding men.  - Queer as Folk (UK TV series)
  • He is unaware one of the neighbor girls, Roxanna Ledbetter (Sandra Knight), has a crush on him and fears for his life.  - Thunder Road (film)
  • Dave develops a crush on a university student named Katherine and masquerades as an Italian exchange student in order to romance her.  - Breaking Away
  • Bill quickly falls for Jane, who has a crush on Tony, who in turn has long been attracted to Anne.  - Since You Went Away
  • At first, Leo is happy to help Marian because she is kind to him and he has a crush on her.  - The Go-Between
  • Legree beats Tom viciously and resolves to crush his new slave's faith in God.  - Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • On Harry's graduation night in 1928, George talks to Mary Hatch, who has had a crush on him from an early age.  - It's a Wonderful Life
  • Her best friend Jeff develops a crush on the "groundhog" visitor, Ariel.  - The Menace from Earth
  • Little David intercepts and defeats a group of warships on their way to Mars to crush the revolt there.  - Between Planets

Meaning of "crush" in English

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Meaning of "crush" in Hindi

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