How to use "decimate" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "decimate" in popular movie and book plots

  • In a surprise attack, the aliens decimate Earth's military forces.  - Shockwave Assault
  • Out at sea, the Nazi subs prepare to decimate the Allied fleet.  - Jungle Drums (film)
  • They discover that not only are their fuel tanks holed, but a super-dense wandering planet is on course to decimate the solar system.  - Passage to Pluto
  • Knowing that Megatron would decimate their people if he reactivated, Prime vowed to see the humans return to Earth to warn it.  - Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday
  • Sugirtharaja, oblivious to the fact that AgniPutra's on-board computer has been tweaked, launches it hoping to decimate New Delhi.  - Vikram (1986 Tamil film)
  • Armed with the disillusioned Autobot's knowledge, unified and with their new weapon - Devastator - the Decepticons decimate the Autobots.  - The Transformers (IDW Publishing)
  • She helps Clay escape and, despite losing his sight, manages to decimate Fox's gang one by one.  - Minnesota Clay
  • They hear about another army and decimate it.  - Swan Song (McCammon novel)
  • Tate and Chuncho use the machine gun to decimate the troops, but at the cost of the lives of nearly all of Chuncho's remaining gang.  - A Bullet for the General
  • Together the bandits decimate the evangelists that the four had met earlier.  - Four of the Apocalypse
  • It emits rays which decimate the investigation team; only Atsumi and the lead policeman survive.  - The Mysterians
  • Dodd’s regiment then decimate the two units who are unable to move due to the threat of the cavalry.  - Sharpe's Triumph
  • In a separate attack, the GLA destroys a bridge leading into Hong Kong to decimate a Chinese armoured division.  - Command & Conquer: Generals
  • The Rahkshi arrive at Ta-Koro and decimate the village, with Lerahk poisoning Tahu in the process.  - Bionicle Chronicles
  • He arrives in time to see the leader of the gunners use a Gatling gun to decimate the samurai.  - Grenadier (manga)
  • Soon after, Rand defeats Aginor and uses the Eye to decimate the Trolloc army and defeat Ba'alzamon.  - The Eye of the World

Meaning of "decimate" in English

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Meaning of "decimate" in Hindi

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