How to use "despondency" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "despondency" in popular movie and book plots

  • With Bridget gone, the Narrator settles into despondency in his uncle's chambers in London.  - The Poor Clare (Gaskell story)
  • However, despondency soon settles in, and they wait to be rescued.  - Hamara Ghar
  • Toni's failed suicide attempt stems from her despondency following being stood up by her lover, dr Julian Winston (Walther Mathau).  - Cactus Flower (film)
  • His despondency culminates in an emotional breakdown during a conversation with the other housemates.  - Extras (TV series)

Meaning of "despondency" in English

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Meaning of "despondency" in Hindi

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