How to use "development" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "development" in popular movie and book plots

  • To reduce the influence of life, the cosmocrats have stopped their programs that encourage the development of life and intelligence.  - Perry Rhodan
  • A group of tanuki are threatened by a gigantic suburban development project called New Tama, in the Tama Hills on the outskirts of Tokyo.  - Pom Poko
  • The main plot line follows Paul's development from an uncritical cog in the system to one of its outspoken critics.  - Player Piano (novel)
  • It was meant to accompany the game's release, but was published in 2006 after development halted.  - StarCraft: Ghost
  • The Chimeron Queen supports this development with the equivalent of royal jelly given to bees.  - Delta and the Bannermen
  • Meanwhile, the woman's escort observes this development with disapproval.  - Two Arabian Knights
  • Season One focuses on the development of Sydney's character, and allows the audience to become familiar with her.  - Alias (TV series)
  • This will result in the formation of billions of planets and the development of life upon some of them.  - Lensman series
  • With Hoborg lifeless, any further development of the Neverhood ground to a halt.  - The Neverhood
  • Scaroth's body returns to the present as the ship attempts to take off and explodes, assuring the development of life on Earth.  - City of Death
  • Palafox looks upon this development with indulgence, failing to realize the tremendous long-term significance.  - The Languages of Pao
  • He convinces Beaky to finance a hugely speculative land development scheme.  - Suspicion (1941 film)
  • The claws' development program has evolved to develop sophisticated robots, indistinguishable from humans, designed to infiltrate and kill.  - Second Variety
  • The inclusion of martial arts as a feature of "jianghu" was a recent development in the early 20th century.  - Wuxia
  • Gregory lives with another scientist, Candi Long, who is working on adaptive optics for use in the development of laser weaponry.  - The Cardinal of the Kremlin
  • He was also in charge of the Wehrmacht penal system, and controlled the development of Wehrmacht armaments until January 1945.  - Heinrich Himmler

Meaning of "development" in English

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Meaning of "development" in Hindi

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