How to use "dilapidated" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "dilapidated" in popular movie and book plots

  • Their initial method of transport is Granado's dilapidated Norton 500 motorcycle christened La Poderosa ("The Mighty One").  - The Motorcycle Diaries (film)
  • He promises Sarbajaya that he will return with money to repair their dilapidated house.  - Pather Panchali
  • He drives a dilapidated 1977 Mercury Marquis that pours smoke and backfires.  - Uncle Buck
  • In France, Bart arrives at "Château Maison", which is actually a dilapidated farmhouse on a run-down vineyard.  - The Crepes of Wrath
  • Tintin (Jean-Pierre Talbot), Snowy and the Captain travel to Istanbul only to find that it is an old cargo ship in a really dilapidated state.  - Tintin and the Golden Fleece
  • Honey's new choreography career makes it tougher for her mother to maintain the dilapidated community center.  - Honey (2003 film)
  • Dignan discovers a dilapidated but functional Alfa Romeo Spider, and Dignan and Anthony continue with the 75-year plan.  - Bottle Rocket
  • Miguel enters the dilapidated underbelly of the station, and in a cavernous chamber he finds a broken piano playing the distress signal.  - Memories (1995 film)
  • In a dilapidated apartment building in post-apocalyptic France, food is in short supply and grain is used as currency.  - Delicatessen (film)
  • Wes starts at the Outskirt Stand, a dilapidated train engine in the middle of the desert that has been converted into a shop.  - Pokémon Colosseum
  • Holden checks into the dilapidated Edmont Hotel.  - The Catcher in the Rye
  • Stevo and Bob go from party to party while living in a dilapidated apartment.  - SLC Punk!
  • The children have stumbled across an amalgamation of anomalies within an old, dilapidated building.  - The Animatrix
  • He visits his father (Robert Duvall), who has become a mentally unbalanced hermit living in the dilapidated home where Karl grew up.  - Sling Blade (film)
  • The next morning, Giorgio picks Anita up in his cousin's dilapidated truck.  - Three Coins in the Fountain (film)
  • In a time of economic prosperity for the country, the Spences cope with possibly their most dilapidated parsonage yet.  - One Foot in Heaven

Meaning of "dilapidated" in English

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Meaning of "dilapidated" in Hindi

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