How to use "disclose" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "disclose" in popular movie and book plots

  • She refuses to disclose any details, only that Starfleet considers the mission a "top security matter".  - The Emissary (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Curley also manages to disclose the school kids’ hope that Miss Johnson will quit immediately, so that they can spend the whole day fishing.  - Curley (film)
  • Tom brings Frank back to the basement to disclose to him the crime.  - Stir of Echoes
  • Before he can disclose the identity of responsible criminal, the lights go out, shots are fired, and Hofmeister becomes mad.  - The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
  • She becomes seriously ill, but does not disclose her illness to Apu, lest his studies get disturbed.  - Aparajito
  • Brian spends the remainder of the summer with his father but does not disclose his mother's affair.  - Hatchet (novel)
  • In order to cooperate with the FBI, Mitch must disclose information about his clients.  - The Firm (novel)
  • She attempts to disclose her affections during a game of cards, but Nicholas doesn't catch her meaning.  - Nicholas Nickleby
  • Asked if he killed Margaret, Roman whispers in Gray’s ear; Baker does not disclose Roman's answer.  - Dead Again
  • The FBI matches the prints, but because the person's identity is classified, they cannot disclose it to the Secret Service.  - In the Line of Fire
  • She prepares to disclose everything, even at the cost of her career.  - Guilty as Sin
  • Meanwhile, he does not disclose his fatherhood to Lucía or the child, nor even attempt to contact Elena.  - Sex and Lucia
  • Part of the contract, however, stipulates that neither Howl nor Calcifer can disclose the main clause of the contract to any third party.  - Howl's Moving Castle
  • During his initial meetings with Lowenstein, Tom is reluctant to disclose many details of their dysfunctional family's secrets.  - The Prince of Tides
  • Duncan consoles Patty over her husband's death (but does not disclose the cowardly way he died).  - The Towering Inferno
  • He refuses to disclose it but diagnoses her with acute blood-loss.  - Dracula

Meaning of "disclose" in English

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Meaning of "disclose" in Hindi

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