How to use "eerily" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "eerily" in popular movie and book plots

  • The show is about a family eerily similar to Manohar's who have also just moved into a new house like they have.  - Yavarum Nalam
  • Harry Houdini joins forces with Arthur Conan Doyle to solve a series of murders, which eerily re-enact the stories of Edgar Allan Poe.  - Nevermore (novel)
  • After eerily dreaming of Adam, his dog Apollo crops up in their kitchen.  - Middle Age: A Romance
  • As soon as she steps in the car, the wipers eerily stop working.  - Woh Kaun Thi?
  • As John and Nancy leave, the well bubbles ominously as an eerily glowing fly emerges from it.  - Amityville 3-D
  • She notices at one point that a damaged tapestry depicts a horse eerily similar to the one that she has just taken in.  - Spirits of the Dead
  • Katie's lines all seem to eerily describe the attack seen at the film's beginning.  - Dead of Winter
  • Swipes observes, in dialogue that sounds eerily current to the modern ear, "They were hip to us so they copped it".  - The Bowery (film)
  • When Van Helsing asks if he and Renfield had met somewhere before the madman eerily replies that he knows what happened to Van Helsing's wife.  - Dracula, the Musical
  • He is greeted by two women in an eerily similar manner to Natalya and Svetlana.  - Hostel (2005 film)
  • As a 14-year-old boy, Guilford Law witnessed the "Miracle" as shimmering lights moving eerily across the ocean sky.  - Darwinia (novel)
  • The details of her relationship with Forrester are eerily similar to the way he seduced Barnes.  - Jagged Edge (film)
  • However, the camera cuts to Peter's young daughter, who eerily resembles Virginia, admiring a spider in its web.  - Spider Baby
  • Sadako eerily walks past them in the forest as most of the troupe members drop down dead via a heart attack.  - Ring 0: Birthday
  • Shino tells Tomoya of his father's traumatic past, which is eerily similar to Tomoya's current situation.  - Clannad (visual novel)
  • Questioning the seer on this point produces eerily relevant answers, leading to the prediction that it is unsafe to leave the diner until 3m.  - Nick of Time (The Twilight Zone)

Meaning of "eerily" in English

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Meaning of "eerily" in Hindi

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