How to use "espionage" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "espionage" in popular movie and book plots

  • The pair run afoul of both the planetary government and the Imperium, including industrial espionage and even kidnapping.  - The Witches of Karres
  • Hess, the ship's chief electrical engineer—an elaborate blind for his espionage activities—welcomes Arkady more warmly.  - Polar Star (novel)
  • Following the conquest of Borleias, the Rebels and Rogue Squadron must handle Imperial espionage ordered by the rogue imperial Warlord Zsinj.  - Star Wars: X-wing (book series)
  • When an espionage mission fails, they trade Meg's Prada bag for Stewie.  - Love Thy Trophy
  • Some time later, on an exotic beach, Wally unwittingly incapacitates a spy, passing a test by an unknown American espionage group.  - The Man Who Knew Too Little
  • Meanwhile, Sasha is stripped and searched for possible espionage evidence.  - Gotcha! (1985 film)
  • Bosner was turned in by Louise, tried for espionage and sentenced to death.  - Murder in Mesopotamia
  • The Men in Black is an international espionage organization which monitors and investigates both good and evil paranormal activity on Earth.  - The Men in Black (comics)
  • Walker sends Nikola, disguised as a pirate, on an espionage mission to discover the traitor's identity.  - Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri
  • The Romulan guards lead a furious Kirk, now charged with espionage and railing against the treachery of his First Officer, to the brig.  - The Enterprise Incident
  • After Levy reveals this to Pearlman, she uses Levy's espionage to blackmail him into agreeing to a plea bargain for his defendants.  - The Wire
  • Diana, innocent of the espionage charges, flees with Mr Johnson, but is deeply in Maturin’s mind, as he pays her bills.  - Desolation Island (novel)
  • The game follows the story of Nova, a young ghost agent—a human espionage operative with psychic abilities—in the employ of the Dominion.  - StarCraft: Ghost
  • Fearless agents were recruited for espionage missions against enemy spies.  - Spy Kids (franchise)
  • Kent locks himself and his staff in the offices to prevent espionage leaks while they choreograph and rehearse the three production numbers.  - Footlight Parade
  • He realizes that WOPR is behind the NORAD alerts, but because he fails to convince McKittrick, he faces espionage charges.  - WarGames

Meaning of "espionage" in English

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Meaning of "espionage" in Hindi

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