How to use "expendable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "expendable" in popular movie and book plots

  • Riggan catches Sam using marijuana and berates her; she tells him he is expendable and that his play is a vanity project.  - Birdman (film)
  • He is ruthless, viewing his subordinates as expendable once he no longer needs them.  - Alive: The Final Evolution
  • This seems to be her revelation: that even what she considers to be basic human virtues are incomparable and expendable to God.  - Revelation (short story)
  • After seeing the camp is empty, the men realize they are expendable decoys.  - The Walking Dead (1995 film)
  • 's dirty dealings, making him expendable afterR.  - A House Divided (Dallas)
  • Since he is a product of artificial manufacturing, he is condemned and declared an expendable pariah by peasants and soldiers.  - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (video game)
  • Raoul, realizing that he is expendable to his mother, chooses to save Titipoco.  - Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror
  • They also plan to replace their computer-operated ships with lower cost, more expendable (in their opinion) manned ships to continue the war.  - The Feeling of Power
  • Having already taken numerous samples of reproductive material from him, he is now deemed far more expendable than the women themselves.  - Hell Comes to Frogtown
  • Disgusted with the State's treatment of him as an expendable commodity, Corbell hijacks the ship and takes it to the center of the galaxy.  - A World Out of Time
  • Minor characters remained as they often had been before: supportive of major character's whims and fleetingly expendable in many cases.  - Goats (webcomic)
  • Recruiting a team of expendable imprisoned supervillains, Amanda Waller has the Suicide Squad destroy Brimstone.  - Legends (comics)
  • The captain of the London sends the expendable Blake, Avon, and Jenna across to the ship.  - Blake's 7

Meaning of "expendable" in English

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Meaning of "expendable" in Hindi

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