How to use "expose" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "expose" in popular movie and book plots

  • They had let her track the clips to expose any security breaches in their distribution network.  - Pattern Recognition (novel)
  • There, a furious Strutt recognizes Marnie, but does not expose her after Mark threatens to take his business elsewhere.  - Marnie (film)
  • Upon arriving, he discovers that Brandt was not actually arrested but was part of a ruse to expose Preston and the Underground.  - Equilibrium (film)
  • Ed and Dexter then break into Mondo Burger to expose their chemically induced burgers to the police.  - Good Burger
  • During the performance Isabella and Gordo expose Paolo by turning on his microphone, revealing his real voice.  - The Lizzie McGuire Movie
  • After making friends, they expose each other to the very different lifestyles they live.  - Old Enough
  • A government saboteur attempts to expose one such plot.  - The Dosadi Experiment
  • Killing him could expose the entire barracks to retaliatory execution.  - Stalag 17
  • Jerry learns of the kidnapping, and decides to go to the press in an effort to expose the corruption in New York.  - Angels with Dirty Faces
  • Although this threatens to expose the affair between Elliot and Lee, Elliot soon disavows disclosing any such details.  - Hannah and Her Sisters
  • But he was framed for jury tampering some years back by the firm's senior partner because he was going to expose their corrupt practices.  - The Verdict
  • Black follows Locky and threatens to expose him to the town.  - Johnny Belinda (1948 film)
  • Jafar tries to hypnotize the Sultan into agreeing to his marriage to Jasmine, only for Aladdin to appear and expose Jafar’s schemes.  - Aladdin (1992 Disney film)
  • This causes Akeem's parents to travel to Queens and expose Akeem's identity as a prince to the McDowells.  - Coming to America
  • Before dying, Roth tells Thorn his discovery and begs him to expose the truth.  - Soylent Green
  • Fay tries to get Hapgood to expose the miracle, but he warns her no one will believe it is a fake, because it works as a miracle should.  - Anyone Can Whistle

Meaning of "expose" in English

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Meaning of "expose" in Hindi

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