How to use "foreign" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "foreign" in popular movie and book plots

  • When the Prince regains consciousness, he finds himself on the shore of a foreign island.  - Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
  • He served in a foreign army for a couple a years, returns home as a grown-up, energetic young man but only to find that his mother has died.  - Aama (film)
  • Many of their movies fail and end up either not being produced or going straight to video in foreign countries.  - Made in Canada
  • He eventually steals the passports of two foreign tourists visiting London who superficially resemble him for use in an emergency.  - The Day of the Jackal
  • The Ghosts slow down the Russian advance while foreign civilians are evacuated from the country.  - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001 video game)
  • While the sultan is fighting a war in a foreign land, his vizier Jaffar, a wizard, seizes power.  - Prince of Persia (1989 video game)
  • Despite Catholic Spain's moves toward diplomacy with England, Catesby still harboured hopes of foreign support and a peaceful solution.  - Robert Catesby
  • Pendlebury owns a foundry that makes presents and souvenirs that are sold in many resorts, including foreign ones.  - The Lavender Hill Mob
  • Stone is an American citizen, and no American citizen may be forced into the service of a foreign prince.  - The Devil and Daniel Webster
  • In the foreign country that was Singleton Street he was an entirely different person".  - The Accidental Tourist
  • Upon arriving in Spira, Tidus is rescued by Al Bhed salvagers in the area, who speak a language that is foreign to Tidus.  - Final Fantasy X
  • Guy Hamilton (Mel Gibson), a neophyte foreign correspondent for an Australian network, arrives in Jakarta on assignment.  - The Year of Living Dangerously (film)
  • The foreign edits tend to play up the individual characters, while the Japanese original is often more focused on the ship itself.  - Space Battleship Yamato
  • In an attempt to gain foreign support, in May 1605 Fawkes travelled overseas and informed Hugh Owen of the plotters' plan.  - Guy Fawkes
  • The introduction of a temporally foreign object in history caused the planet to pull in a counterbalance from a different dimension.  - Chrono Cross
  • The town has not changed since he went off to war; however, he finds that he does "not belong here anymore, it is a foreign world".  - All Quiet on the Western Front

Meaning of "foreign" in English

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Meaning of "foreign" in Hindi

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