How to use "front" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "front" in popular movie and book plots

  • At night Neville is startled awake and finds Ruth fully clothed at the front door of the house.  - I Am Legend (novel)
  • As the four drink, Martha and George engage in scathing verbal abuse of each other in front of Nick and Honey.  - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  • He defies Blackie to put her on the stage in front of the rowdy Paradise audience.  - San Francisco (1936 film)
  • His job as a part-time bar caterer serves as a front for his secret marijuana dealings.  - American Beauty (1999 film)
  • Frodo does not allow the hobbits to kill Saruman, but Gríma turns on Saruman and kills him in front of Bag End (Frodo's hobbit-hole).  - The Lord of the Rings
  • One of the studs trips and rapes a daughter in front of the crowd, which laughs at her cries of pain.  - Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
  • His jealousy is evident when he brutally defeats Janiro in front of the local Mob boss, Tommy Como, and Vikki.  - Raging Bull
  • Yutaka goes anyway and meets his brother in front of Megagamers, who has tracked Miho to the store since the previous night.  - Megatokyo
  • The Manxman mutters in front of the mast, and Pip declines the verb "look".  - Moby-Dick
  • Tired and desperate, they spread out some of the now-soaked gunpowder in front of the fire, to dry out.  - Gunpowder Plot
  • While Montag and Mildred are perusing the stolen books, a sniffing occurs at their front door.  - Fahrenheit 451
  • The lawyer mocks Block in front of for his dog-like subservience.  - The Trial
  • The town behind the front where George spends much of his time is referred to as M---.  - Death of a Hero
  • Meanwhile, Strowski silently approaches Willows House and enters through the unlocked front door.  - Bride of the Monster
  • A ruined cathedral remains unused, although some elderly people occasionally stand in front of it and sing incompletely remembered hymns.  - The Big O
  • A confrontation is averted when the group finds Dorothy—naked, battered, and distressed—on Jeffrey's front lawn.  - Blue Velvet (film)

Meaning of "front" in English

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Meaning of "front" in Hindi

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