How to use "hallowed" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "hallowed" in popular movie and book plots

  • Jim, as he approaches what he considers hallowed ground, is in heaven.  - Willow Creek (film)
  • A young nobleman enters who wants to marry a slave girl, but Kull is advised that this is impossible under unalterable the law, engraved on a tablet made by hallowed Lawmakers many centuries ago.  - By This Axe I Rule!
  • The first attempt to conquer these trials is unsuccessful, but Shaolung is spurred on by his straight-talking friend (Wong) and finally leaves through Shaolin's hallowed gates after a final tremendous effort.  - 18 Bronzemen
  • For centuries the Kewletts, a cute and happy race, lived an idyllic existence inside the hallowed walls of Kewtopia.  - Raze's Hell
  • Forsaken can only be slain on hallowed ground, so the three head for a Spanish mission 60 miles away – chased by the vampires and their day driver Penn (Simon Rex).  - The Forsaken (film)
  • Homma, however, does exactly the opposite and runs around in panic before ducking into a hallowed tree log.  - Tokio Jokio
  • Max places a call to the local authorities, telling police chief Sylvester that the flag of Mexico now flies above this piece of hallowed Texas ground.  - Viva Max!
  • Luke puts forward to a grief-stricken and maddened Wade the theory that it acted in revenge for the insults hurled on it by Lauren and notes it cannot enter hallowed ground.  - The Car
  • As the sun rises, Winifred is unable to drain Max's life force from him after falling into the hallowed ground, and soon turns to stone and is disintegrated to dust along with her sisters.  - Hocus Pocus (1993 film)
  • Rather than do either, Paradine throws the book into the fire, saying that if the Confederacy is to die, let it be buried in hallowed ground.  - Still Valley

Example sentences for "hallowed" in interesting articles

  • Back in 1992, when TMJ was still a going concern and even the label thought maybe we’d join the hallowed company of recouped bands one day, Warner made a $10,000 accounting error on our statement (in their favor, naturally).  - My Hilarious Warner Bros. Royalty Statement
  • Who were they? Who had signatory authority over this? Where is he or she today? Why isn't someone from the hallowed halls of “investigative journalism” sticking a microphone in his/her face and asking hard questions? Why isn't someone checking real estate records to see if vacation homes were bought concurrently (mostly metaphorical example)? Accountability means someone is ACCOUNTABLE – a person, not just some amorphous company name.  - RSA warns developers not to use RSA products
  • When English is wielded by the greatest of the great, by the hallowed likes of Shakespeare or Nabokov, when reinvented by Whitman and Joyce, it comes as no surprise that it can inspire awe: it doesn't take a diamond to shine in the hands of a star.  - Why English sucks as the language for international and scientific communication
  • Regulatory proposals that undermine the functioning of healthy marketplaces and stall the pace of change are not the solution.” Google points out that newspapers’ circulation peaked between 1890 and 1920; that newspapers declared radio would kill them and only newspapers should hold the sacred and hallowed mission of news; that newspapers declared TV would kill them and characterized broadcast reporters as “parasites” (a lovely tip of the hat to Rupert Murdoch).  - Google takes the FTC to school
  • For those who don’t know, being on the front page of Reddit is hallowed ground — the notoriety of being on the front page can launch careers, start dance crazes, inspire Hollywood.  - I Am An Object Of Internet Ridicule, Ask Me Anything
  • The outsider status that the team both adopted and had applied to them gave them the right to question previous practices. Tech sometimes had difficulty building what the Field team, a hallowed group within the campaign's world, wanted.  - When the Nerds Go Marching In
  • This is America, after all, where the right to answer charges and confront your accuser is a hallowed principle of law.  - You Can't Kick Me Off Facebook, I Quit
  • It is, for example, a hallowed tradition that in job interviews, engineers are expected to stand up and code on whiteboards, a high-pressure situation that works to the disadvantage of those who feel out of place.  - Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?

Meaning of "hallowed" in English

  • worthy of religious veneration
    - Jerusalem's hallowed soil

Meaning of "hallowed" in Hindi

  • पवित्र
  • पवित्र ( Pavitr, pawitr)
  • प्रतिष्ठित ( Pratishthit)

Synonyms of "hallowed"

  • sacred

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