How to use "harp" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "harp" in popular movie and book plots

  • Unaware of his presence, Octavia plays until she makes a mistake, then curses and casts the harp aside.  - These Being the Words of Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • The final scene then shows Sam in a devil's suit, playing a harp floating skyward.  - Dumb Patrol
  • Continuing on, she sees Natil's campfire, hears her harp music, and she finds that the harp music quiets the voices in her head.  - Shroud of Shadow
  • There he gives her a half-finished harp in replacement of the one he broke.  - Merlin Book 10: Shadows on the Stars
  • Evald had overthrown the king, taken his wife, Meara, and now claims Fionn's harp as his own.  - The Dreamstone (novel)
  • Falco becomes a harp tutor to the sister.  - Shadows in Bronze
  • Fido plays a harp while Daffy and Casper think about their mistakes (Daffy: "You know, maybe that wasn't such a hot idea after all.  - Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur
  • The planet is engulfed in radioactive glow and the cast, still festive, climbs a stairway to heaven accompanied by harp music.  - Human Highway
  • The story ends with how a "grass harp, gathering, telling, a harp of voices remembering a story".  - The Grass Harp
  • Grief-stricken, Anselmo becomes a homeless drunkard, supporting himself by playing the harp in the town’s bars and brothels.  - The Green House
  • He grabs Bugs by the throat, puts him in the harp, and crushes his neck inside the harp like a vise.  - Long-Haired Hare
  • Both Chico and Harpo did not play the piano or the harp in the film at all.  - Room Service (1938 film)
  • Vitalis is a kind man, certainly better company than Barberin and teaches Rémi to play the harp and to read.  - Sans Famille
  • Gila uses a harp string as a bow to fire a poisoned dart, which misses Flint, but hits his former boss Cramden (Lee Cobb).  - Our Man Flint
  • Some trees play a tune, using vines for harp strings and a chorus of robins.  - Flowers and Trees
  • As the competition begins, Gracie impresses the judges with her glass harp skills and self-defense techniques in the talent competition.  - Miss Congeniality (film)

Meaning of "harp" in English

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Meaning of "harp" in Hindi

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