How to use "hemisphere" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "hemisphere" in popular movie and book plots

  • In this they are actually fortunate, most other inhabitants of the western hemisphere having become unliving statues.  - Invaders from Rigel
  • The flags and pennants point to the low pressure, so it is possible to determine at which hemisphere the station is standing.  - Station model
  • The man who was arrested earlier is brought in, put in a padded cell, and given an injection to shut down the right hemisphere of his brain.  - The Stealers of Dreams
  • The projectile then dips over the northern hemisphere of the moon, into the darkness of its shadow.  - Around the Moon
  • As the northern hemisphere heats up, large numbers of Ishtarians flee south, leading to a collapse of civilization.  - Fire Time
  • He travels the hemisphere surfing with his pet bird.  - Gidget (film)
  • Further experiments reveal the region to be a hemisphere with a diameter of around the village.  - The Midwich Cuckoos
  • On the ISS, astronauts look down in amazement at an Earth whose northern hemisphere is now mostly covered by ice and snow.  - The Day After Tomorrow

Meaning of "hemisphere" in English

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Meaning of "hemisphere" in Hindi

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