How to use "hypnosis" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "hypnosis" in popular movie and book plots

  • Belknap puts Vince under hypnosis and tries to get him to drown himself.  - Fear in the Night (1947 film)
  • In the tunnels, the Doctor encounters the beast again, and uses hypnosis to calm it.  - The Curse of Peladon
  • Antiques dealer and hypnotist Franklyn Madson (Derek Jacobi) approaches Mike, suggesting that hypnosis may help her recover her memory.  - Dead Again
  • Magister — actually the Master — tries to assure her that her fears are unfounded, but his hypnosis fails to overcome her will.  - The Dæmons
  • His destruction breaks the hypnosis and the parents are reunited with their children.  - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
  • After witnessing an incident where Lau suffers a hallucination, dr Lee conducts a hypnosis on him and finds out that he was Hon's mole.  - Infernal Affairs III
  • The Brains of Morphoton use hypnosis to control the human population, and the entire City is subjugated to their will.  - The Keys of Marinus
  • When he encounters Aladdin, his claim of being a slave under hypnosis does not fare well, and he is pursued.  - The Return of Jafar
  • A detective named Fisher, who has become an expatriate living in Cairo, undergoes hypnosis in order to recall his last case.  - The Element of Crime
  • The plant then employs hypnosis on the feckless lad and commands him to bring it more food.  - The Little Shop of Horrors
  • There, he is imprisoned by Khaveen and under hypnosis helps the evil tyrannical wizard Ad Avis to resurrect the evil genie Iblis.  - Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire
  • He has taken the clothes of a tramp through his powers of hypnosis and acquired a wild horse.  - That Hideous Strength
  • Under hypnosis at one session, a third personality manifests, the relatively stable Jane.  - The Three Faces of Eve
  • During that time, Rivers tries hypnosis on Prior to help him recover his memories of the trenches.  - Regeneration (novel)
  • Under drug-induced hypnosis Sam reveals that the slugs come from Titan, the sixth moon of Saturn.  - The Puppet Masters
  • Janet wakes up to find herself a prisoner of Vornoff, who uses hypnosis to put her back to sleep.  - Bride of the Monster

Meaning of "hypnosis" in English

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Meaning of "hypnosis" in Hindi

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