How to use "ironically" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "ironically" in popular movie and book plots

  • Eventually, they christen the new world 'Prize'- ironically at first- as their life there is what they have won in The Game.  - Invitation to the Game
  • Even as Stein destroys the machine, it ironically does not understand why he grieves or that it has done anything wrong.  - Mind over Matter (The Outer Limits)
  • Billy is interrupted by cops ironically raiding the house next door.  - Thursday (film)
  • Kenehan says he never saw braver men, and ironically they were in there for refusing to fight.  - Matewan
  • Mike ends up having to rescue Asuka's kidnapped niece (who ironically was abducted by Mike on Cisco's orders).  - Grand Theft Auto (Game Boy Advance)
  • Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile imprisonment and disciplinary facility which is ironically in the middle of a sterile desert.  - Holes (novel)
  • Plots included: Eventually all his "friends" desert him and he winds up back in jail, ironically for something he had nothing to do with.  - Budgie (TV series)
  • He then prepares to assassinate the Jesus but, ironically throws himself upon a grenade from another assassin so as to save Jesus.  - Jesus on Mars
  • The Cat in the Hat abruptly freezes the action and delivers an ironically cheery tune to the audience ("How Lucky You Are").  - Seussical
  • mrs Candour enters and ironically talks about how "tale-bearers are as bad as the tale-makers".  - The School for Scandal
  • This movie depicts these events as occurring during the year 1966, ironically the year that British National Assistance was abolished.  - The Whisperers
  • They are disturbed by a passing policeman who ironically offers to keep an eye on their premises as he patrols.  - The League of Gentlemen (film)
  • Hilts is returned to the camp alone in handcuffs and taken back to the cooler – ironically just as Von Luger is relieved of his command.  - The Great Escape (film)
  • Collins is killed, ironically leaving the normally rebellious Holman in command.  - The Sand Pebbles (film)
  • ", before going back to playing dead, ironically undoing the intended sad conclusion.  - What's Opera, Doc?
  • The Grangerfords and Shepherdsons go to the same church, which ironically preaches brotherly love.  - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Meaning of "ironically" in English

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Meaning of "ironically" in Hindi

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