How to use "isle" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "isle" in popular movie and book plots

  • They all get drunk and pass out, and awake on a gnome ship bound for the isle that holds the Graygem.  - The Second Generation
  • Kassandra (Cassandra) must travel to the isle of Thera with Andromache, wife of Hektor.  - Troy: Fall of Kings
  • Clues lead them to a remote Pacific isle known only as Mystery Island, where the two confront sinister and astonishing forces.  - Manhunt of Mystery Island
  • When the boat becomes damaged, they land on a lost isle called the Isle of Storms.  - Foxmask
  • Mike and Terry visit his elderly aunt Ginny on the isle of Tahiti.  - Love Affair (1994 film)
  • Meanwhile, Derfel learns that Nimue has been declared dangerously mad and has been banished to the isle of the dead (Portland Bill).  - The Winter King (novel)
  • In 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte (Holm), after six years in exile on the isle of st Helena, has a plan to escape.  - The Emperor's New Clothes (2001 film)
  • A bleak shadow falls again across Camelot—and across the sacred isle of Avalon, where Roman priests threaten the life of the Lady herself.  - The Knight of the Sacred Lake
  • Alec's team then confronted by Shante, which came all the way from Eteru isle to fetch Raia for her bar.  - Arc the Lad III
  • So Dolph and Marrow set out to find the isle and find the Heaven Cent to bring back the Good Magician Humphrey.  - Heaven Cent
  • He makes his way to the isle of Brobdingnag, a land of giants.  - The Three Worlds of Gulliver
  • They also reach a sea of milk, an island of cheese and the isle of the blessed.  - True History
  • After recruiting Ayne, the party head to the volcanic isle of Drokonia, defeat Doplin's group and retrieve the Pyrolith.  - Legaia 2: Duel Saga
  • Meanwhile, far across the western sea on the tropical isle of Sampetra, trouble is brewing.  - The Pearls of Lutra
  • Carter boards a ship sailing to Baharna, a great seaport on the isle of Oriab.  - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
  • They stop at Burnt Island, where a coracle is discovered among human artifacts on the now uninhabited isle and given to Reepicheep.  - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Meaning of "isle" in English

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Meaning of "isle" in Hindi

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