How to use "manuscript" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "manuscript" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, Gabe has developed a friendship with a young student of his, Rain, and has her read the manuscript for his working novel.  - Husbands and Wives
  • She gives him his birthday gift: a thousand sheets of blank manuscript paper.  - Tick, Tick... Boom!
  • In the following days, a traumatized Jennifer pieces both herself and her manuscript back together.  - I Spit on Your Grave
  • Some time later, Joan is back in New York City, delivering a new manuscript based on her adventure.  - Romancing the Stone
  • In his extensive library, they discover an original manuscript of Shakespeare's lost play Cardenio.  - Lost in a Good Book
  • Konstantin does not join them, and spends this time working on a manuscript at his desk.  - The Seagull
  • Hades, meanwhile, steals the original manuscript of Charles Dickens's Martin Chuzzlewit.  - The Eyre Affair
  • Only one manuscript is missing: his translation of Le Rossignol de Bois, a novel by Jean-Pierre Breteuil.  - Under the Net
  • The narrator wrote a manuscript about his relationship with Alice and the fights between Mexicans and Oakies in his home town.  - Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo
  • More than a millennium later, the narrator finishes the manuscript and finds Hank on his deathbed having a dream about Sandy.  - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • He has just finished the manuscript of his new crime novel, Fast Cars, while staying at the Hotel Boulderado.  - Misery (novel)
  • In a frame story, a frivolous couple sailing alone in space, Jinn and Phyllis, rescue and translate a manuscript from a floating bottle.  - Planet of the Apes (novel)
  • Belbo invites Casaubon to review the manuscript of a supposedly non-fiction book about the Templars.  - Foucault's Pendulum
  • Act II A month later, Orin is working intently at a manuscript in the Mannon study.  - Mourning Becomes Electra
  • When Norma discovers a manuscript with Joe's and Betty's names on it, she telephones Betty and insinuates the sort of man that Joe really is.  - Sunset Boulevard (film)
  • Rutherford wrote down Conway's story; he gives the manuscript to the neurologist and that manuscript becomes the heart of the novel.  - Lost Horizon

Meaning of "manuscript" in English

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Meaning of "manuscript" in Hindi

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