How to use "museum" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "museum" in popular movie and book plots

  • The TARDIS is transducted to the museum within the Capitol, and the Doctor borrows Gallifreyan robes.  - The Deadly Assassin
  • Randy Pear deceives his family into accompanying him in the race, but they mistakenly visit a museum dedicated to the Nazi Klaus Barbie.  - Rat Race (film)
  • Meanwhile, a spirit resembling Janosz kidnaps Oscar from Peter's apartment, and Dana pursues them to the museum alone.  - Ghostbusters II
  • By the time of Gundam Unicorn, over fifteen years after the One Year War, Zaku II's are literally shown as museum pieces.  - MS-06 Zaku II
  • A former curator of the MysTech museum on Anachronox, Grumpos devotes his life to studying the artifacts.  - Anachronox
  • The two return to the museum where Burton makes a ridiculous attempt to seduce Zero to ensure his participation.  - Zero Patience
  • After being released by Eggman, Shadow breaks into a museum to steal an Emerald, which gets Sonic arrested.  - Sonic X
  • Eventually, Joe hunts down Santa on Christmas Eve at 6:57 pm at the children's museum and tells Santa that he wants the job.  - Ernest Saves Christmas
  • He describes himself as a museum guard who answers questions from visitors coming to see his priceless collected art.  - Bluebeard (Vonnegut novel)
  • Worthy of Barnum's museum of wonders" before burning his cheek with a hot blade.  - Gangs of New York
  • Herbert uses it to pursue Stevenson to November 5, 1979, where the machine has ended up on display at a museum in San Francisco.  - Time After Time (1979 film)
  • Chip and Lilac begin to search through old museum maps and soon discover islands around the world that have disappeared from their modern map.  - This Perfect Day
  • At the museum hideout where Boots and Saddles had been staying, a metal canister is found containing some unknown, radioactive drug.  - Top 10 (comics)
  • Meanwhile, the museum owner, McDougal (Frank Ferguson), has arrived to claim the shipments.  - Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
  • It turns out he is fond of a museum piece, a porcelain bowl called "The Flower of Forgetfulness," which humanizes all the participants.  - —We Also Walk Dogs
  • Kate and the stranger stalk each other through the museum until they finally wind up outside, where Kate joins him in a taxi.  - Dressed to Kill (1980 film)

Meaning of "museum" in English

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Meaning of "museum" in Hindi

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