How to use "mutilation" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "mutilation" in popular movie and book plots

  • However, these rites actually required human sacrifice, mutilation and torture.  - Darkest Night (film)
  • In contrast to the hotel's rules, they forbid any romance, with mouth mutilation as punishment.  - The Lobster
  • Park is tied up to a table for mutilation when another prisoner attacks Gluskin, granting escape.  - Outlast
  • She is taken away, and prepared for a genital mutilation ceremony.  - The Green Inferno (film)
  • Rosina forces Genet to submit to female genital mutilation and commits suicide shortly thereafter.  - Cutting for Stone
  • Professor Pyg, a psychotic mutilation enthusiast in the guise of a pig, then tortures one of Toad's men, fixing him with a Dollotron mask.  - Batman and Robin (comic book)
  • Maria, unable to cope with the mutilation of her face caused by the lye, commits suicide.  - The Willow Tree (novel)
  • Now in the US she comes from Olinka, Alice Walker's fictional African nation where female genital mutilation is practiced.  - Possessing the Secret of Joy
  • He accepts his mutilation and realizes that he can live well even without the use of his fingers.  - Fools Crow
  • Thinking Jane is trying to fool them, they ignore her directions and fall into the hands of the Zambeli, known for mutilation of captives.  - Tarzan Finds a Son!
  • He witnesses a funeral of two little girls, who desperately drowned themselves in a well to avoid the mutilation of their genitals.  - Moolaadé
  • Aymar tries to find Bertrand by studying the details of local crimes, such as the mutilation of corpses and various murders.  - The Werewolf of Paris
  • At the castle, Cordelia summons a servant to show her to the mutilation chamber, where Lorne's body is, but the servant cannot.  - There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
  • Ned's rage at Tamar is further fueled by the discovery that Tamar was involved in the mutilation of Jack Stump.  - Harvest Home (novel)
  • Zachary is only briefly able to lament his body's mutilation before dying and presumably dragged to Hell.  - The Lost Symbol
  • Coroner Whittington (Gregory Hines) discovers non-human hairs on several mutilation victims and consults zoologist Ferguson (Tom Noonan).  - Wolfen (film)

Meaning of "mutilation" in English

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Meaning of "mutilation" in Hindi

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