How to use "nimble" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "nimble" in popular movie and book plots

  • Placed on the wrist of a newborn squirrel, this grants him the love of a nimble and wild eyed little squirrel wife.  - The Squirrel Wife
  • They make Tich, a resident of Charlie's, look like a gentleman to use his nimble fingers.  - The Common Touch
  • Bold sees a dormouse nearby and tries to catch it, but is no longer nimble enough.  - The Fox Cub Bold
  • Halt, and Will's being Chocho (Butterfly/Because his mind is as nimble as one).  - Ranger's Apprentice
  • With his new, nimble hands, Fry becomes a skilled holophonor virtuoso.  - The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings
  • The book opens with the colonists learning how to live without the sharp and nimble minds they all once had.  - The Legacy of Heorot

Meaning of "nimble" in English

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Meaning of "nimble" in Hindi

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