How to use "nor" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "nor" in popular movie and book plots

  • Shane counters that a gun is a tool, no better nor worse than a hoe or axe, and as good or bad as the man using it.  - Shane (film)
  • But he knows neither the location of the deposit nor of the cabin.  - The Gold Rush
  • Seeing him bleed, the priests cried that he was "Neither God nor Devil but a man.  - The Man Who Would Be King
  • Eventually Thor turns up at the party, and he is not to be placated, nor withheld.  - Lokasenna
  • On the other hand, Esther neither smokes nor drinks.  - Just Like That (novel)
  • Jake does not know how long he has been at the way station, nor exactly how he got there and hid when the Walter passed through.  - The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
  • Because they had no knowledge of independent living, nor any education, Lazarus teaches them "how to be human" during the voyage.  - Time Enough for Love
  • Neither the lander nor Burke's ship is flightworthy.  - Space Cadet
  • Key events are as follows: Note: The culpability of Boris in the matter of Dmitriy's death can neither be proved nor disproved.  - Boris Godunov (opera)
  • Neither Linda nor John are accepted by the villagers, and their life has been hard and unpleasant.  - Brave New World
  • She pushed the barriers of tradition by never marrying nor giving into womanly duties.  - House of Tudor
  • They admit to each other that neither want nor need grow old alone, which is slowly creeping up on them; they have no more time to lose.  - The Parent Trap (1961 film)
  • They are told only that the challenges are neither insurmountable nor unreasonable.  - Tunnel in the Sky
  • Case jumps at the chance to regain his life as a "console cowboy," but neither Case nor Molly knows what Armitage is really planning.  - Neuromancer
  • Joe attempts suicide by suffocation, but finds that he had been given a tracheotomy that he can neither remove nor control.  - Johnny Got His Gun
  • Kane marries Susan and forces her into a humiliating operatic career for which she has neither the talent nor the ambition.  - Citizen Kane

Meaning of "nor" in English

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Meaning of "nor" in Hindi

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