How to use "officer" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "officer" in popular movie and book plots

  • A young bomb officer and physicist at the Patrol's lunar base, he is apolitical and is devoted to his wife and young daughter.  - The Long Watch
  • John Lyle, a junior army officer under the Prophet, is stationed at the Prophet's capital of New Jerusalem.  - If This Goes On—
  • Former MI5 officer Peter Wright claimed in his memoirs, Spycatcher, that 30 MI5 agents then collaborated in an attempt to undermine Wilson.  - Harold Wilson
  • Set in 2794, Marathon places the player as a security officer aboard an enormous human starship called theESC.  - Marathon Trilogy
  • Much of the description of the voyage is based on Heinlein's own experiences as a naval officer and world traveler.  - Podkayne of Mars
  • Meanwhile, a French secret agent steals a letter addressed to a military officer in the German embassy.  - The Life of Emile Zola
  • Captain Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), aided by executive officer Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson).  - K-19: The Widowmaker
  • When Karen finds out that Warden did not apply for officer training, she realizes they have no future together.  - From Here to Eternity
  • In Mexico, police officer Javier Rodriguez (del Toro) and his partner Manolo Sanchez (Vargas) stop a drug transport and arrest the couriers.  - Traffic (2000 film)
  • Elly, a beautiful Gebler officer of Solaris, is destined to be near Fei and falls in love with him by the end of the game.  - Xenogears
  • He looks up at a uniformed adult – a naval officer whose party has landed from a passing war-ship to investigate the fire.  - Lord of the Flies
  • Private Ferol (Timothy Carey) is picked by his commanding officer because he is a "social undesirable".  - Paths of Glory
  • She rebuts him, telling him of a recent fantasy she had about a naval officer they had encountered on a vacation.  - Eyes Wide Shut
  • In a police station, officer Kelton (Paul Marco) asks to work the case of the monster of Lake Marsh.  - Bride of the Monster
  • Fed up with the war, Barry deserts the army, stealing an officer courier's uniform, horse, and identification papers.  - Barry Lyndon
  • In Los Angeles in November 2019, ex-police officer Rick Deckard is detained by officer Gaff and brought to his former supervisor, Bryant.  - Blade Runner

Meaning of "officer" in English

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Meaning of "officer" in Hindi

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