How to use "pander" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "pander" in popular movie and book plots

  • Dopey's son, Doug encourages her not to pander to others and be herself.  - Descendants (2015 film)
  • He says that his job is not to pander to emotions but to make people experience new emotions they did not realize they had.  - The Rejected (Mad Men)
  • In fact, some of his colleagues take the dirtiest means for groped to pander to their manager, and Hercules is one of them.  - Toto and the King of Rome
  • He is able to pander to all of his vices during his annual holidays in Amsterdam.  - Filth (novel)
  • Nelly and Edgar begin to pander to her every whim to prevent her from becoming ill again.  - Wuthering Heights

Meaning of "pander" in English

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Meaning of "pander" in Hindi

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