How to use "pay" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "pay" in popular movie and book plots

  • A banker lends him money, telling him to pay it forward.  - Between Planets
  • Rocky reluctantly agrees to the match, which will pay him $150,000.  - Rocky
  • One summer day, Rat and Mole disembark near the grand Toad Hall and pay a visit to Toad.  - The Wind in the Willows
  • The Baron is desperate for money to pay his way out of the criminal group he had been working with.  - Grand Hotel (1932 film)
  • The executive overhears the song and decides to buy it, providing enough money to pay off the church mortgage.  - Going My Way
  • When living in Beverly Hills, Adele improvises from day to day, often unable to pay the bills.  - Anywhere but Here (film)
  • He leaves the party with a socialite (Brenda Vaccaro), who agrees to pay $20 for spending the night with him, but Joe cannot perform.  - Midnight Cowboy
  • Gordon has to pay the bill with all the money he had set aside for their jaunt and worries about having to borrow money from Rosemary.  - Keep the Aspidistra Flying
  • Griffin is running out of money and is trying to find a way to pay for his board and lodging.  - The Invisible Man
  • Despite the poor pay offered, he is able to find five gunmen, all doing it for their own reasons.  - The Magnificent Seven
  • He then leaves money on the doorstep to pay for his long-distance telephone call.  - The Straight Story
  • As she tries to pay her fare, Travis simply smiles at her, turns off the meter and drives off.  - Taxi Driver
  • Pickering wagers that Higgins cannot make good on his claim and volunteers to pay for Eliza's lessons.  - My Fair Lady
  • Front-de-Boeuf tries to wring a hefty ransom from Isaac of York; but Isaac refuses to pay unless his daughter is freed.  - Ivanhoe
  • Digby also promised £1,500 after Percy failed to pay the rent due for the properties he had taken in Westminster.  - Gunpowder Plot
  • Always wanting her to be happy and radiant, Frank gives Scarlett the money to pay the taxes.  - Gone with the Wind (novel)

Meaning of "pay" in English

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Meaning of "pay" in Hindi

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