How to use "pinch" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "pinch" in popular movie and book plots

  • During the next game, "Bump" Bailey's careless playing results in Hobbs becoming a pinch hitter.  - The Natural (film)
  • During the ritual, Bungot-Banwa burned some alanghiran fronds and a pinch of kamangyan (incense) in an altar that he made himself.  - Hinilawod
  • When two sets of crooks looking to pinch the Koran turn up in town, Charlie has his hands full trying to outwit them and keep it safe.  - Three Against the World
  • Eventually Wilson puts out the fire with a pinch of salt, despite Hodges's scepticism.  - Uninvited Guests
  • He remarks the native must have saved his life, even if he did pinch his wallet.  - The Two and a Half Feathers
  • The couple's behind on rent and other bills, so, Katie feels the pinch to get an acting job which will help them, financially.  - Dead of Winter
  • Cerrano, also inspired, demands that Jake insert him into the game to pinch hit and he responds by hitting the game-winning home run.  - Major League II
  • He does not enjoy it much because the guests pinch his cheeks, and distances himself from them.  - Dennis the Menace (film)
  • After he tries to escape, T'Pol uses the Vulcan nerve pinch to stop him.  - Carpenter Street (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • A Vian arrives, but Spock stuns him with a Vulcan nerve pinch and allows the group to escape to the surface.  - The Empath
  • During one game, Pop substitutes Hobbs as a pinch hitter for team star Bump Baily.  - The Natural
  • They attack him, but Spock manages to nerve pinch the female and the male stops, concerned.  - The Omega Glory
  • Spock quickly overpowers Achilles and, when McCoy is in trouble, Spock uses the Vulcan nerve pinch on Flavius, ending the fight.  - Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)
  • The Consul, Hugh, and Yvonne take a pinch of habanero, and the bus rattles on toward Tomalin, where it arrives at the end of the chapter.  - Under the Volcano
  • Despite Chauvelin's best efforts, the Englishman manages to escape by offering Chauvelin a pinch of snuff, which turns out to be pure pepper.  - The Scarlet Pimpernel
  • The first time I lay eyes on you again, I'll pinch you.  - Safety Last!

Meaning of "pinch" in English

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Meaning of "pinch" in Hindi

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