How to use "pond" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "pond" in popular movie and book plots

  • But Hopkins rationalises that the pond was chosen as a temporary hiding place.  - The Adventure of the Abbey Grange
  • Ducks may show up at the player's farm starting in this chapter if a pond is owned.  - Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
  • The group devises a scheme to lure him to the pond and drown him in the deep side using a nearby boulder.  - The Land Before Time
  • Dani however prefers to run off into the neighbor's pond to go swimming in the nude.  - The Man in the Moon
  • Jack, proving his love to Lily, dives into the pond to retrieve it.  - Legend (1985 film)
  • The group throws Tip into the adjacent pond while Tip's mother watches.  - Over the Edge (film)
  • Alex, Cody's younger brother tries to eat a few of his explosive Mentos, but Cody tosses them into the pond where they explode harmlessly.  - Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
  • A bull which chased the Children is forced into a pond to drown.  - The Midwich Cuckoos
  • Holmes has formed a theory which might explain McPherson's death and is about to go back to the bathing pond to test it.  - The Adventure of the Lion's Mane
  • Kong and Ann share a moment on a frozen pond in Central Park until the army attacks.  - King Kong (2005 film)
  • Finally Scorpio spots a young boy sitting near a pond and grabs him as a hostage.  - Dirty Harry
  • Thoreau then reflects on the women and children who seem to enjoy the pond more than men.  - Walden
  • Upon hearing this, Chloe runs to the lily pond outside the Hillcrist home and drowns herself.  - The Skin Game (1931 film)
  • He recalls a particular pond with huge fish in it which he had missed the chance to try and catch thirty years previously.  - Coming Up for Air
  • He realizes her garden pond is salt water and discovers a pair of bifocals in it.  - Chinatown (1974 film)
  • At this he fled deep into the woods, and doing so he came upon a pond and, seeing his reflection, groaned.  - Actaeon

Meaning of "pond" in English

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Meaning of "pond" in Hindi

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