How to use "prow" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "prow" in popular movie and book plots

  • With the lifeboats inoperable, all gather on the prow as the ship begins to go down.  - The Boat That Rocked
  • In the final scene Angelo looks across the prow of the boat and sees Rashid's motorboat speeding towards the Italian convoy.  - Inshallah (novel)
  • He sees that it is a perfect fit for the prow of his sailing ship, but in grief and anger, he smashes the model to pieces and begins to sob.  - Maelstrom (Battlestar Galactica)
  • This is considered good luck, and so they take him on board, lashing him to the prow as a figurehead.  - Drowned Ammet

Meaning of "prow" in English

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Meaning of "prow" in Hindi

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