How to use "queue" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "queue" in popular movie and book plots

  • Beavis finds this to be a genius discovery, and joins him in the bathroom, while the queue to be served grows longer and longer.  - Bathroom Break
  • Crowds, especially of schoolchildren, queue for hours for a brief sight under poor lighting.  - The Golden Child (novel)
  • After ten minutes of trying, Leonard finally gets in the queue but is 15,211th in line.  - The Convention Conundrum
  • Meanwhile, a long queue builds up by the kiddie ride.  - Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean
  • Tessa joins the queue seeing no way out and as she is about to be examined Marta breaks a glass in her hand and comes forward.  - Death to the Queen
  • The next time is as undergraduates, where Eddie notices her in a queue for more fashionable food than he is in the queue for.  - Three Dollars (novel)
  • While stuck in the queue of traffic, Zakes gets out of his car and goes up to truck.  - Hush (2008 film)
  • Ellie stares in horror as she realises what she has been in the queue for.  - Girls under Pressure
  • She is last seen allowing herself to be touched, or kissed, by a very long queue of male, fee-paying circus patrons.  - Lola Montès
  • In hiding from him, they line up on a queue that takes them to a recruitment office by mistake and they end up joining the army.  - Boobs in Arms
  • For part of his evenings at work, he parks his cab in a queue outside a massage parlor.  - Midnight My Love
  • When a queue begins to form, Walker cons them into believing that telephone calls are going on ration from tomorrow.  - The Lion Has Phones
  • There is a queue in the waiting room, and Lisa is unable to get an appointment.  - My Sister, My Sitter
  • She waits all day in the long queue to see the doctor, only to be turned away at the end of the day without having seen the doctor.  - Yesterday (2004 film)
  • Arkie, who had joined another queue in the customs hall, disappears.  - Bangkok Hilton
  • The next day, a queue of elderly, sour-faced nannies appear outside.  - Mary Poppins (film)

Meaning of "queue" in English

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Meaning of "queue" in Hindi

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