How to use "salary" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "salary" in popular movie and book plots

  • Wang decides to cut the workers' salary to pay the mercenaries, and when the workers protest they are viciously thrashed.  - Return to the 36th Chamber
  • Despite Marge's reassurances, Lisa is still uneasy since she is aware of how low Homer's salary is and how unlikely Marge's hopes are.  - I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can
  • He flies across country and becomes an instant success, with a salary of $100 per week.  - The Trumpet of the Swan
  • An insulted Chance insists that all he does is run the club, paying the girls a flat salary to attend his parties.  - 8 Million Ways to Die
  • First she convinces Betty to accept an advance on her salary so that she can buy clothes that complement her figure better.  - Yo soy Betty, la fea
  • Given a choice between his newspaper salary and his high beggar earnings, he eventually became a professional beggar.  - The Man with the Twisted Lip
  • Jack is taken to see Pulitzer, who offers to waive his sentence and pay him a salary if he will work as a strikebreaker.  - Newsies
  • When they demand a salary increase, studio boss Harry Flugleman fires them and evicts them from their studio-owned housing.  - Three Amigos
  • The main character, Ray Atlee, is a law professor with a good salary at the University of Virginia.  - The Summons
  • Penny will miss her performance if she goes for the abortion, and they will forfeit their salary for the season.  - Dirty Dancing
  • He has fallen in love with nurse Leora (Helen Hayes), and the salary is not enough to support the couple.  - Arrowsmith (film)
  • As a result, Homer is forced to give up half his salary as his punishment for stealing Bart's money.  - Barting Over
  • He now lives a quiet life and works as a private detective, although his salary is very little.  - Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
  • She wants a written contract with a huge salary increase and half the profits from the entire run of the play.  - Morning Glory (1933 film)
  • But soon after her marriage to Walter, she realises the difficulties of living off his meagre salary in a rented house.  - Sons and Lovers
  • Glick rises to the top in Hollywood over the succeeding years, paying Blumberg a small salary under the table to be his ghost writer.  - What Makes Sammy Run?

Meaning of "salary" in English

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Meaning of "salary" in Hindi

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