How to use "salvation" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "salvation" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meyers thanks Lisa for "saving" Itchy and Scratchy, and decides that his cartoon's salvation lies in a new character.  - The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
  • It is an allegory of a Christian devotional life from salvation through maturity.  - Hinds' Feet on High Places
  • His salvation must eventually come through Christine, whose voice is so beautiful that he falls in love with her.  - Phantom (musical)
  • The Lord grants salvation and Annamayya's soul returns as Nandaka (Sword).  - Annamayya (film)
  • The priest instructs her to go to Mother Joanna and tell her of the sacrifice he made for her salvation in the name of love.  - Mother Joan of the Angels
  • A servant returns Beatrice's petition to the Pope, unopened, and Beatrice and Lucretia despair over the last hope of salvation from the Count.  - The Cenci
  • Such a term most likely refers to a state of limbo due to his existence before the salvation of Christ.  - St. Erkenwald (poem)
  • Worse still, the patriarch deems him a lost cause and figures that skipping straight to spiritual salvation is the best course of action.  - Syberia II
  • Jesus replies that it must be done for the salvation of all peoples.  - The King of Kings (1927 film)
  • His responsibility to those who died and his own salvation through his father formed a strong desire for justice and peace in him.  - Fate/stay night
  • The Lady passes the test and because she does, she is given peace and salvation for her decision.  - The Second Maiden's Tragedy
  • In his dying words at the end of the play, Brand screams out to God, asking, "Does not salvation consider the will of man.  - Brand (play)
  • The priest refuses to pray for rain, saying that his concern is the salvation of human souls.  - To a God Unknown
  • Guido takes her to visit a proposed set, explaining that his movie is about a burned-out man who finds salvation in this Ideal Woman.  -
  • Ultimately, the Key will be responsible for Jack's salvation and his doom.  - Jack of Shadows
  • Zed brings the immortals salvation by bringing them death.  - Zardoz

Meaning of "salvation" in English

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Meaning of "salvation" in Hindi

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