How to use "sanctum" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sanctum" in popular movie and book plots

  • They’ll put pressure on Vimercate to close down the newspaper and, in return, will allow him into the inner sanctum of power.  - Numero Zero
  • Bubblegum gives chase, eventually discovering the inner sanctum of Maja's lair, where she confronts Maja herself.  - Sky Witch
  • Thirteen and Chase check out William's apartment, they find a sanctum dedicated to the black arts in a locked room.  - Knight Fall
  • The Hitlers retreat to their inner sanctum and reveal a huge mutated Batman-creature.  - Superman: At Earth's End
  • They disguise themselves as monks performing bhajans, and emerge from the temple's sanctum sanctorum.  - Yavana Rani
  • In the inner sanctum the four come across a Lich, which they defeat with their upgraded ancestral weapons and claim the Gem of Death.  - Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes
  • Tequila enters Wong's inner sanctum to find the old man and Dapang have taken Teko hostage.  - Stranglehold (video game)
  • Tal'Set reaches Tarkeen's sanctum and is told he must accept the mantle of Turok and release Tarkeen from a curse.  - Turok: Evolution

Meaning of "sanctum" in English

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Meaning of "sanctum" in Hindi

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