How to use "sane" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "sane" in popular movie and book plots

  • Psylocke finds Sage, who is barely coherent and sane after the data transfer.  - X-Men: Die by the Sword
  • They keep themselves sane by exchanging little jokes and talking about their hometowns.  - 1971 (2007 film)
  • While trying to write a report on what happened, the two sane workers are despairing of anyone believing them.  - Killdozer! (short story)
  • Maria gets pregnant and Nigel starts to snap, and the only sane one seems to be Jimmy, Nigel's existential pot dealer.  - Last Exit (2003 film)
  • His opinion, after the captain was found to be sane by three Navy psychiatrists, is that Maryk was legally unjustified in relieving Queeg.  - The Caine Mutiny
  • The will, however, stipulates that to inherit the fortune, she must be judged sane by a doctor, Ira Lazar (Lucien Littlefield).  - The Cat and the Canary (1927 film)
  • He is considered the only sane person in his family and tries to fix any problem that arises within the family.  - Sons & Daughters (2006 TV series)
  • Mavros, however, makes sure that Imriel does not get carried away and is always safe and sane in his play.  - Kushiel's Justice
  • He feels that he is one of the few sane men in a world of paranoiacs.  - The Black Corridor
  • Kenet survives but is sent to the county psychiatric hospital for evaluation to determine if he is sane enough to be charged with murder.  - High Wall
  • As explained, an airman "would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he'd have to fly them.  - Catch-22 (film)
  • Oleg gives Robert the tape of Emil explaining his plan to Flemming, proving he was sane the whole time.  - 15 Minutes
  • He explains there are no victors in a nuclear war, no victory by body count, and the only sane thing to do now is turn this thing off.  - Trinity's Child
  • Poirot however is convinced that Hugh is sane and begins his investigations, asking Diana to arrange for him to spend the night in the manor.  - The Labours of Hercules
  • Most of the film revolves around the trial and the prosecutor's attempts to have Reece found sane and given the death penalty.  - Rampage (1987 film)
  • Trekking homeward, despondent and hallucinating, Abel is helped by Indians and Christians until he reaches the sea, sane and healthy again.  - Green Mansions

Meaning of "sane" in English

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Meaning of "sane" in Hindi

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