How to use "sanitation" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sanitation" in popular movie and book plots

  • The player, a FizzCo employee who works in the sanitation division, is saved from an attacking OD by Walter, a fellow survivor.  - Sunset Overdrive
  • A mutant rubber ducky terrorizes four workers who are stranded on a sanitation space station.  - Space Milkshake
  • Not long after, animal control agents arrive with orders to shut down the place due to poor sanitation and welfare conditions.  - A Dog's Purpose
  • Without modern sanitation and supplies, diseases surge.  - One Second After
  • However, a lack of supplies and sanitation drives all of the New Springfield residents over to Old Springfield, leaving the Simpsons alone.  - A Tale of Two Springfields
  • Tweed's influence is spread throughout Lower Manhattan from boxing matches to sanitation services and fire control.  - Gangs of New York
  • Josh Howard (Sammy Davis Jr) takes a job as a sanitation worker driving a garbage truck while others work to scope out the various casinos.  - Ocean's 11

Meaning of "sanitation" in English

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Meaning of "sanitation" in Hindi

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