How to use "sanity" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sanity" in popular movie and book plots

  • With the aid of the slave Udinaas, Rhulad regains his sanity and seizes power over the Edur.  - Midnight Tides
  • Murray temporarily regains his sanity after his tryst and attempts to respond to the wave of violence gripping the city.  - G.B.H. (TV series)
  • Lucía reveals that she is still insane and only faked sanity when she heard Iván's voice dubbed on a foreign film.  - Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
  • Bosch, who could not keep up with the others, loses his sanity and kills Eckert with a fire extinguisher.  - Das Experiment
  • While dying, the King's sanity seems to return and he apologizes to Lyam and names him heir to the throne.  - Magician (Feist novel)
  • Marjorie comes to see him, worried about his sanity because he has been saying that he is from the 18th century.  - Berkeley Square (film)
  • Throughout the novel Golding juxtaposes themes of sanity and insanity, and reality and unreality.  - Pincher Martin
  • Paul says the explanation is "a little metaphysical" for him, and believes that Millicent's sanity is beginning to unravel.  - Mirror Image (The Twilight Zone)
  • As Gaston is about to forcibly bring Maurice to the asylum, Belle proves Maurice's sanity by showing the Beast with the magic mirror.  - Beauty and the Beast (1991 film)
  • The sailor begins to fear for her sanity and leaves her.  - The Hitch-Hiker (The Twilight Zone)
  • Her trial becomes a test of a 9-year-old girl's ability to maintain sanity in the face of seemingly certain death.  - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
  • Horrified, George loses his sanity and jumps to his death.  - Lost Horizon (1937 film)
  • A sanity hearing is scheduled to determine who should control the Deeds' fortune.  - Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
  • Grace, whose sanity has been challenged by all these events, demands that Barbara be forced from the group or she will leave.  - Farnham's Freehold
  • He begins to doubt his own sanity and whether the adventure even happened.  - Glory Road
  • During the hunt, the Banker finds himself attacked by a bandersnatch, and loses his sanity after trying to bribe the creature.  - The Hunting of the Snark

Meaning of "sanity" in English

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Meaning of "sanity" in Hindi

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