How to use "sapient" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sapient" in popular movie and book plots

  • The Reapers are immensely powerful and purge the galaxy of all advanced sapient life in 50,000 year cycles.  - Mass Effect 3
  • The novel concerns the adventures of a boy and his sapient dog as they join an interplanetary circus on a voyage to Mars.  - Mel Oliver and Space Rover on Mars
  • She discovers evidence that the planet was previously inhabited by a sapient species.  - Genius Loci (novel)
  • The dragons of the story are portrayed as sapient and intelligent, capable of logical thought and human speech.  - Throne of Jade
  • There he discovers a much-reduced sapient civilization that had links to the EMs before the Watcher came.  - Across the Sea of Suns
  • The dragons of the story are portrayed as sapient and intelligent, capable of logical thought and human speech.  - His Majesty's Dragon
  • Upon discovery that the Fuzzies intelligence may qualify them as a sapient species, the Company moves against them.  - Little Fuzzy
  • A standoff ensues, but it seems the Mycora is sapient and without ill-will toward humans.  - Bloom (novel)

Meaning of "sapient" in English

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Meaning of "sapient" in Hindi

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