How to use "sarcophagus" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sarcophagus" in popular movie and book plots

  • Eventually, the tomb of the Angel of the Desert is found, and her golden sarcophagus is excavated.  - March or Die (film)
  • Revived at last, the Count rises from his sarcophagus and advances on Dora and Anton.  - Vampire Circus
  • The key to Bala's sarcophagus prison was entrusted to a creature of fire and stone called the Gatekeeper.  - Devi (comics)
  • The sarcophagus is then opened in front of the press to reveal that the mummy is gone.  - Time Walker
  • However, the sarcophagus is in the hands of the "dead" man, known as mr Kubat, who feigned his death to avoid paying his taxes.  - Under Wraps (film)
  • In the science lab, Wesley smashes the sarcophagus and takes a crystal from it.  - Shells (Angel)
  • "), a sarcophagus ("What's going on around here.  - Water, Water Every Hare
  • Into this unstable situation comes the mummy Ramses, who awakes shortly after his sarcophagus is placed in Julie's house.  - The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned
  • In their search, they accidentally stumble upon a sarcophagus for Marla that was built by Khan with Marla's mummified remains within.  - To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh
  • Horus and his ally Semerkhet constructed the sarcophagus to hold Seth and that, by removing the amulet, Seth has been released.  - Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
  • When they break into the burial roost, they see Talos's sarcophagus suspended from the ceiling.  - Tale of the Mummy
  • Drogyn thinks that Angel wanted to cover up his involvement in helping Illyria’s sarcophagus escape from the Deeper Well.  - Power Play (Angel)
  • The primary section also depicts the discovery of an awe-inspiring sarcophagus and the concern and confusion of those that found it.  - St. Erkenwald (poem)
  • In the tomb, he finds a sarcophagus and a mummy hand with seven fingers, adorned with a ruby ring with seven points that look like stars.  - The Jewel of Seven Stars
  • Fuchs is obsessed with Tera and takes her mummy and sarcophagus back to England, where he secretly recreates her tomb under his house.  - Blood from the Mummy's Tomb
  • Stephen and Joseph ignore him, and discover within the sarcophagus of Ananka.  - The Mummy (1959 film)

Meaning of "sarcophagus" in English

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Meaning of "sarcophagus" in Hindi

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