How to use "satire" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "satire" in popular movie and book plots

  • In an interview with Peter Bogdanovich, Tashlin said he included the dachshund as a satire on CinemaScope due to the dog's shape.  - Bachelor Flat
  • It is a comedy satire about the police force in India.  - Mahaul Theek Hai
  • The show contains a satire on The Richest Girl in the World, Mimi Carraway (Madeleine Carroll).  - On the Avenue
  • However, in a reversal of fortunes, Barker thinks the play is a hilarious satire and commends the Stooges' performance before asking to seeK.  - Three Hams on Rye
  • The film is a satire of the women in prison film genre and deliberately implements many of the tropes commonly found in such films.  - Reform School Girls
  • So they pack their bus and move to Hollywood, where Randy's convinced fame and fortune await them in this satire of 1980s pop musicals.  - Can't Stop Dancing
  • It is both a tribute and a satire of old Greek dramas, war movies and bucolic-style films.  - Crying... Silicon Tears
  • The book is both an adventure story and a satire on the scientific dispute over Creationism.  - The Great Fetish
  • In a dark satire of The Matrix, Leo, a pig on a seemingly bucolic family farm, is approached by Moopheus, an anthropomorphic bull.  - The Meatrix
  • After Gordon performs a satire of the government on his show, his home is raided and Evey is captured.  - V for Vendetta (film)
  • Penguin Island is a satire on society and human nature in which morals, customs, and the origin of religion and laws are lampooned.  - Penguin Island (novel)
  • Most of the time the plots are vehicles to deliver political, social, racial or religious satire while involving one or two fight scenes.  - Twisted Kaiju Theater
  • The novel is a satire of modern celebrity culture; this is reflected in its premise, which features models-turned-terrorists.  - Glamorama
  • Kojak was so abusive, Mad Magazine carried a TV satire titled, "Kojerk".  - Kojak
  • The story is a satire of the film industry and Hollywood society.  - S.O.B. (film)
  • The three editors start to develop their own conspiracy theory, "The Plan", as part satire and part intellectual game.  - Foucault's Pendulum

Meaning of "satire" in English

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Meaning of "satire" in Hindi

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