How to use "satisfactory" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "satisfactory" in popular movie and book plots

  • Describes his satisfactory sex with Charlene and hard work in the kitchen, with the mercurial Chef.  - Skagboys
  • After a few minutes of a less than satisfactory massage, Chelsea complains, and trouble ensues.  - Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
  • As a result, Kagari praises Kotarou and shows gratitude for showing her satisfactory memories.  - Rewrite (visual novel)
  • Luke is heir to his uncle, Lord Radcliffe and therefore deemed a satisfactory match for Louis.  - The Heart of a Woman (Baroness Orczy novel)
  • Jeeva has no satisfactory explanation, and he is asked to leave the village immediately with his mother.  - Ganga Ki Saugandh
  • He continues to labor on a second novel, but the more he tries to finish it the less able he finds himself to invent a satisfactory ending.  - Wonder Boys (film)
  • They live a satisfactory life, with Alexander working as a lobster-man - coming home each day smelling of fish.  - The Summer Garden
  • If the king fails to give a satisfactory answer, Sir Gromer will cut off his head.  - The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle
  • Everything in his life seems quite satisfactory until an impoverished old woman stops by his office to get her tooth extracted.  - The Sweetest Fig
  • All of Jeeves' considerable powers are required to bring things to a satisfactory conclusion.  - The Mating Season (novel)
  • Not given a satisfactory answer, he orders all villagers to be killed and the village to be burned.  - Devils on the Doorstep
  • However, if Reno finishes a satisfactory painting in one week Dalton will buy it for the necessary amount.  - The Driller Killer
  • He asks the colorfully-clad residents of the Village what country he is in, but they cannot provide a satisfactory answer.  - Arrival (The Prisoner)
  • " To the Church, neither Yes nor No is a morally satisfactory answer.  - A Case of Conscience
  • Eventually, he gets a mildly satisfactory answer and leaves the stage.  - Eleutheria (play)
  • Eventually, Trevize discovers Earth, but it, again, contains no satisfactory answers for him (it is also long-since deserted).  - Foundation series

Meaning of "satisfactory" in English

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Meaning of "satisfactory" in Hindi

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