How to use "savage" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "savage" in popular movie and book plots

  • On their travels in the Digital World they meet Ryo (Rika's rival and legendary Digimon Tamer) and his savage partner Cyberdramon.  - Digimon Tamers
  • They then meet Ursula, granddaughter of a high-ranking Fou Empire official, who is against Rasso's savage methods.  - Breath of Fire IV
  • Once Kirk and Spock arrive at the mine, they are surrounded by angry miners and a savage brawl ensues.  - The Cloud Minders
  • It is because of Boylan that Thomas embarks on a savage act of vandalism (with his friend Claude, who eventually turns him in).  - Rich Man, Poor Man (novel)
  • Anderith is being wooed by the Imperial Order in the person of Stein, who personifies the savage ruthlessness of Jagang's empire.  - Soul of the Fire
  • At one year old his mother dies, and soon thereafter his father is killed by the savage king ape Kerchak.  - Tarzan of the Apes
  • Another member of the party is lost when savage Esbowe warriors attack the group.  - Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold
  • The team then engages in a savage fight with the Film Actors Guild in which most of the actors are brutally killed.  - Team America: World Police
  • The Horde stole the aliens' ships and advanced technology for themselves and set out into space to establish their savage and war-like empire.  - Strikeforce: Morituri
  • However, he has to contend with local bandits and a savage jaguar.  - Green Fire
  • The two Americans and the defending Kumite champion Chong Li—a fighter with a savage streak—all make it through the first day of the Kumite.  - Bloodsport (film)
  • Despite Simon's objections, Mal brings River on a bank robbery where they are attacked by savage and cannibalistic Reavers.  - Serenity (film)
  • His crime lord father, Don Edward Lino, orders Lenny's more savage older brother Frankie to tutor Lenny in the family business.  - Shark Tale
  • One day, she opened the "Door Which Shouldn't Be Opened" in the basement of Castle Victory, said to lead to a savage and deadly place.  - Athena (video game)
  • Christine glares at her daughter with savage hatred and marches into the house.  - Mourning Becomes Electra
  • " Meeting no opposition, the Japanese planes savage Pearl Harbor with a series of attacks.  - Tora! Tora! Tora!

Meaning of "savage" in English

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Meaning of "savage" in Hindi

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