How to use "scant" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scant" in popular movie and book plots

  • Sam and Remi look to the scant evidence to find answers as to where the gold and gems from the ruined city ended up.  - The Solomon Curse (Cussler novel)
  • A group of people, with no technical skills and scant supplies, are stranded on a planet and debate how to survive.  - We Who Are About To...
  • James Harg (Stuart) and his father work in a steelmaking plant which is incompetently run, with scant attention being paid to worker safety.  - Men of Steel (film)
  • The soldiers are depicted as almost feral, committing acts of pillage and rape, with scant regard for even their own lives.  - Johnny Mad Dog
  • Hamza the shopkeeper, now emboldened, shows scant respect to the factory-owner's goons, who then demolish his shack at night.  - Anubhavangal Paalichakal
  • The novel was also set in the World of Greyhawk with scant references to its location.  - Keep on the Borderlands (novel)
  • Desperate battles are fought over strategic locations and the scant supplies from Earth that make it through the shroud of debris.  - Shattered Horizon
  • State help for returning veterans is scant and bureaucracy rampant.  - The Bandit (1946 film)
  • He hopes to sabotage the train and thereby destroy Vinod's reputation without a scant thought to the lives of the passengers.  - The Burning Train
  • The next day, the scant remainder of the 39th is paraded at Isurava village.  - Kokoda (film)
  • They commit the caper but find only a few scant bills in the process.  - Blue Collar (film)
  • Pierre and the three women live there together as best they can, while their scant money runs out.  - Pierre; or, The Ambiguities
  • With scant clues, he secretly leads a party to the one place most likely to have the answer to any question, the great library at Sarth Abbey.  - Silverthorn (novel)
  • They improve through practice, personal experimentation, and by studying written lore (which is scant and cryptic).  - The Saga of Recluce
  • Rations are scant at the camp, but they are one of the few things that Shukhov lives for.  - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
  • Their scant store of food and water rapidly dwindling, the trapped men prepare to die also.  - King Solomon's Mines

Meaning of "scant" in English

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Meaning of "scant" in Hindi

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