How to use "scapegoat" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scapegoat" in popular movie and book plots

  • Though Stuart welcomes the inquiry as an opportunity to clear his name, Davis intends to make Stuart the scapegoat for the defeat.  - Gray Victory
  • She then becomes the scapegoat of Selvam's wealthy wife, Râdjam (Madhuri Devi), her sister-in-law, who also begins hating Meena.  - En Thangai (1952 film)
  • The crooks decide to use the man as a scapegoat in their crime.  - From Hand to Mouth
  • After being made the scapegoat for a failed high school terrorist investigation, Star hastily resigns from the police.  - Fight Back to School II
  • Carlito tells Chelios how he will use his death as a scapegoat against the Chinese.  - Crank (film)
  • Spiro, he confides, died in the fire, but makes a convenient scapegoat for what Constantine had to do.  - Eleven on Top
  • The scapegoat they choose is Berta, since she is already old and serves no purpose in the village.  - The Devil and Miss Prym
  • Loki uses the distraction to steal the Dragon Orb and kills Lucian, using him as a scapegoat to cover his theft.  - Valkyrie Profile
  • Em often becomes the scapegoat for Lyndall's rebellion.  - The Story of an African Farm
  • He dreams up a scheme in which a phantom "prowler" would be a good scapegoat if Susan's husband should happen to die mysteriously.  - The Prowler (1951 film)
  • Finally, Ah Q is arrested as a scapegoat for the looting and sentenced to death by the new governor.  - The True Story of Ah Q
  • Scully was a scapegoat providing Sam, who was Gloria's abusive boyfriend, with an alibi during the murder.  - Body Double
  • The Old Man decides to scapegoat Faxx to escape blame, and leaves.  - RoboCop 2
  • She is made a scapegoat for the military's losses during the battle and transferred to a desk job.  - Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
  • Consciously or unconsciously, Keane sees Latour as a suitable scapegoat on whom he can pin the crime of murder, but this strategy backfires.  - The Paradine Case
  • Nero flees to his palace, where he strangles Poppaea to death, blaming her for attempting to scapegoat the Christians.  - Quo Vadis (1951 film)

Meaning of "scapegoat" in English

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Meaning of "scapegoat" in Hindi

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