How to use "schizophrenic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "schizophrenic" in popular movie and book plots

  • During a routine day, Detective III Shane Scully accidentally strikes John Bodine, a homeless schizophrenic African America man with his car.  - White Sister (novel)
  • Faraz uses this event to fuel his argument that Ayesha is schizophrenic and mentally unstable, which was why he was forced to divorce her.  - Uraan
  • His shrewd, schizophrenic manager Bhaja Govindam placates angry creditors with false promises.  - Appu Chesi Pappu Koodu
  • Starting in her childhood, Savannah experienced schizophrenic hallucinations involving bloody figures and dogs which tell her to kill herself.  - The Prince of Tides (novel)
  • His wife, Nancy (Kate Fahy), is terminally ill and requires constant care, as does his schizophrenic son James (Leo Bill).  - The Living and the Dead (2006 film)
  • Rishin is a schizophrenic who wants himself dead.  - 90 Ghanta
  • Once there, he finds out that there is an inmate, Pooja (Pooja Bhatt), who is schizophrenic and has deep ranging mental problems.  - Phir Teri Kahani Yaad Aayee
  • He appears to be schizophrenic and has an obsession with cats.  - The Saint of Dragons
  • Scully believes that whatever abduction experience Max had was a schizophrenic delusion, having noticed medication in his trailer.  - Fallen Angel (The X-Files)
  • When the police arrive, they conclude that Parkette was murdered and dismembered by a schizophrenic sex maniac.  - The Lawnmower Man
  • A high-school student named Freya McAllister (Navi Rawat) begins hearing voices in her head and is misdiagnosed with schizophrenic catalepsy.  - Thoughtcrimes
  • Billings seems paranoid and possibly schizophrenic as he describes the circumstances of the death of his children.  - The Boogeyman (short story)
  • His schizophrenic father, Jason (Bill Pullman), has been committed to an institution.  - Igby Goes Down
  • The game follows a schizophrenic man who has been evicted from his home.  - Postal (video game)
  • A schizophrenic patient of Harold's is overwhelmed with her new baby and the sudden death of her husband.  - Everwood
  • Believing her husband is trying to put her away, Louise bursts into David's apartment and kills him in a schizophrenic episode.  - Possessed (1947 film)

Meaning of "schizophrenic" in English

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Meaning of "schizophrenic" in Hindi

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